Last night I went to my monthly book club meeting. I love my book club, I've been with this group for nearly 7 years now. The members are great and interesting people, working, raising kids, married, divorced, retired.
We have a few rules:
Anyone who suggests a book must have already read it. We had a couple of disasters early on with reading a book based on a book review and the entire group hated it.
We talk about life and catch-up with each other for the first half hour and then we talk about the book. Sometimes get back to the catching up pretty quickly. But not always. The Book Thief was a long and interesting discussion as was Infidel.
We have lots of wine.
We've tried downloading discussion questions to facilitate the discussion, that rarely works for us.
Most of the members HATE to read non-fiction, this causes a little bit of strife but we work through it.
Did I mention the wine?
I'm really going to miss these monthly meetings!
I'll have to get a book club going in La Manzanilla
Ah, but it won't be the same....
11 years ago
I always wanted to do a book/food/film marathon: You'd pick a book and read it beforehand, then watch the movie while eating food in the same theme. However, I have very few friends with this kind of endurance. Have fun!
Let me know how your book club idea works in La Manzanilla. If you put some non-fiction on the agenda, I may even drive north to participate.
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